#NordicNews - Bransjenytt fra Sentral-Europa

NORDEUROPA 2024 - Fakta, tall og tilbakemeldinger

NORDEUROPA 2024: Vellykket online salgs event på to dager

Vår online salgs event NORDEUROPA fant sted for fjerde gang på rad. Som i tidligere år fant den sted før ITB i Berlin - Tysklands store fagmesse for den internasjonale reiselivsbransjen siden 1966. I Tyskland var det bare noen få dager tidligere en stor togstreik i 6 dager, Norge ble rammet av "Ingunn" med innstilte fly - da er det en enda større fordel at en så stor messe finner sted digitalt uten an noen må reiser andre steder og uansett har en stor mengde med møter og gamle og nye folk man treffer. 

Online Event © Andrew Neel _ Unsplash

NORDEUROPA 2024 i tall: en oversikt

I år ble det avholdt 1516 møter i løpet av det to dagene. En økning på nesten 19 % sammenlignet med året før, som vi er svært fornøyd med! Selv om antall deltakere i 2023 og 2024 var omtrent like stor, ble det arrangert over 200 flere møter i år enn i fjor. 

I år deltok 130 personer fra 125 selskaper i NORDEUROPA på supplier siden. Vi ønsket velkommen til deltakere fra Finland, Sverige, Norge, Danmark, Island, Estland og, for første gang, Litauen og Grønland. På buyersiden deltok 131 personer fra 105 selskaper. Totalt var det påmeldt innkjøpere fra 17 land, hvorav de fleste kom fra Tyskland, Nederland, Belgia, Sveits og Storbritannia.

På vårt online salgs arrangement NORDEUROPA 2024 har vi dermed igjen oppnådd en god balanse mellom selgere og buyere. Sammenlignet med andre salgs arrangementer hvor det ofte finns flere selgere enn buyere og som derfor gjør det mye vanskeligere å arrangere relevante møter. Vi er glad over å kunne oppnår vi en høy grad av tilfredshet på begge sider.

Tilbakemeldinger fra deltakende buyere

Thank you very much for the great organisation of the NORDEUROPA 2024 workshop! The clear filter function and simple matchmaking make it very easy to find interesting potential partners and good meetings. The technology before and during the workshop worked perfectly.
NORDEUROPA is a very efficient way to meet partners or potential partners from different countries online without jump in any airplane. Saves a lot of money and CO2 emissions.
I think it was a great online event. I had one little technical issue and help was provided very quickly. Everything else ran smoothly and I think it is great that one can have as many or as little meetings as you want to.
Thanks a lot for this great organisation. I had many very good und constructive meetings with possible new and already existing partners.
Everything is perfect. Support team is always available.
Thank you for organizing this event and give us as tour operators the possibility to get in contact with different suppliers in a short time. I really appreciate it. Well done :)
In my opinion Converve is one of the best tools for that kind of workshop.


Fordeler for deg med i NORDEUROPA

Vårt online salgs event NORDEUROPA gir mange fordeler. Noen av dem er :

  • du møter relevante TOs fra ulike land digitalt
  • miljøvennlig og ressursbesparende
  • du sparer reisekostnader og reiseutgifter
    møteforslag gjennom matchmaking
  • du styrer din egen tidsplan, tidsluker kan blokkeres i kalenderen
  • matchmaking og videomøter via Converves velprøvde programvareløsning, ingen nedlasting av programvare, alt i én plattform

Møt vår team

NordicMarketing-teamet har med stor suksess arrangert NORDEUROPA i fire år nå. Bli kjent med teamet vårt i en kort video og finn ut hvem som er ansvarlig for hva i Nordeuropa. 


Tilbakemeldinger fra deltakende suppliers

Thank you so much for the very well-organized Digital Workshop NORDEUROPA 2024. I had very good meetings (without any cancellations and no-show), and everything went smoothly without any technical issues. I am very pleased with everything! Having been in charge of many such events, I can confidently say that your workshop was exceptionally professional. Thank you for your help, assistance, and cooperation!
Thank you for inviting us and our partners to participate in the NORDEUROPA event. It was very useful, not only for us as national tourism board, but also for representatives of Lithuania tourism business.
This was my third time at NORDEUROPA and the event is getting better every year. New buyers from all over the world every year guarantee good meetings for two days. If there have been any challenges or questions the NordicMarketing team has been immediately helpful. I highly recommend!
I have participated at the NORDEUROPA quite a few times now and I really like the format. It’s well organized and the participator profiles and the way you plan your meetings in Converve works very well. Most important, I get to meet relevant sales professionals that suits the suppliers of Swedish Lapland and our profile very well and that’s why I keep signing up every year. I also like the fact that the number of target markets you can reach have grown over the years, a good testament to the organizers and the set-up so I will definitely attend again.
NORDEUROPA was once again a perfect workshop with a lot of good and productive meetings with both new and already existing partners. It was a good mix of buyers from all over the world. Also as always a well organized workshop from the team at NordicMarketing. I will definitely take part next year to.
This is the third time I have kick-started the year by participating in NordicMarketing's digital workshop NORDEUROPA. What I appreciate most is how the digital meetings bring us closer together, even though we are sitting in different countries in the office, at home or on a Workaway in Tenerife. And with the digital meeting tool Converve, everything from registration, matchmaking, meeting booking and follow-up is easy and time efficient.
"Concept of NORDEUROPA: Great quality of buyers, reasonably long meetings, good information beforehand. Very easy to get ready for the whole event = professionally organized.

Usability of the Converve programme: Super, simple with exactly the functionality needed. Any problems seem to be related to specific browsers or computers.

NordicMarketing's organisation and support: Perfect, really good."
NORDEUROPA is always as easy and flexible to attend from your home office. NordicMarketing staff are always on hand to help you quickly if you run into any challenges or have any questions. I appreciate the fact that if a tour operator turns down a meeting, he can send a message through the system and ask for my material to be sent to his e-mail or tell me that he is only responsible for the destinations in another country and therefore does not want to meet, but can forward my material to his colleague. I am glad that NORDEUROPA has remained on the workshop calendar alongside on-site events!
The workshop platform works well and appointments are well arranged

The NordicMarketing team had again made some good contacts

The 20-minute meeting is a good length and a 10-minute break helps to prepare for the next one

You have succeeded once again! :)



NORDEUROPA arrangerer vi igjen neste år. Vi holder deg oppdatert om datoen for 2025 så snart som mulig. Abonner på nyhetsbrevet vårt for å være sikker at du ikke går glipp av noe. I MøndayNews får du all viktig informasjon først. Vi oppdaterer deg også på LinkedIn og Facebook.

© Andrew Neel / Unsplash